Older women with a diagnosis of early breast cancer can safely opt out of radiation therapy following surgery, a new analysis indicates.
Read MoreOlder women with a diagnosis of early breast cancer can safely opt out of radiation therapy following surgery, a new analysis indicates.
Read MoreThe time has come to revisit the practice of omitting adjuvant radiotherapy (RT) for older patients with early hormone receptor (HR)-positive breast cancer and instead consider a more individualised approach to RT and hormonal therapy, authors of a review article argued.
Read MoreMepitel film, a transparent, breathable, adhesive soft silicone film dressing, is more effective than standard of care in preventing acute radiation dermatitis in at-risk breast cancer patients, a phase III randomised trial showed.
Read MoreSource: Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among women worldwide, one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. iSono Health has received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its ultrasound wearable system, which has been designed for personalised breast imaging.
Read MoreA fully automated algorithm can accurately detect microcalcification clusters in mammogram scans and may help reduce radiology workloads. Matt O'Connor | Imaging Informatics | Health Imaging
Read MorePreoperative breast MRI improves the surgical planning and outcomes of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), according to a new study published online July 5 in Academic Radiology. By Kate Madden Yee, AuntMinnie.com staff writer
Read MoreResearch using analog mammography has shown that a woman's breast tissue density can be affected by reproductive factors such as when she first had children or when she began menstruation. By Kate Madden Yee, AuntMinnie.com staff writer
Read MoreDBT also identified more cancers and lowered recall rates in patients of all ages and breast density types. Matt O'Connor | Oncology Imaging | Health Imaging
Read MoreMRI finds breast cancer earlier than digital mammography in women with a family history of the disease but without known genetic mutations, according to research published online June 17 in Lancet Oncology. But the improved detection comes at a risk of more false positives. By Kate Madden Yee, AuntMinnie.com
Read MoreIlana B. Richman, MD1; Jessica R. Hoag, PhD1; Xiao Xu, PhD2; et al.
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