
Coronary Artery

MRI cardiac stress test effective at predicting fatal heart disease

Stress cardiac MRI (CMR) isn’t common in clinical practices, but may hold promise as an alternative to more commonly used cardiovascular techniques for predicting fatal heart disease. | www.healthimaging.com | By Matt O'Connor

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High CT CAC scores in athletes do not increase mortality

Men who regularly engage in high levels of physical activity are at an increased risk of having elevated CT coronary artery calcification (CAC) scores. | AuntMinnie.com | By Abraham Kim, staff writer

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About Us

GCG Global Healthcare are specialists in healthcare excellence. Driven by a desire to improve healthcare and clinical solutions for everyone – patients, medical professionals and facilities. Gloreen G at GCG has vast experience and understanding of the specialist medical and diagnostic imaging market. This gives GCG the ability to ensure that you receive the very best salary and incentives package, including leave entitlements, days off, paid conferences and radiology expenses.