Clinical Radiology Accredited Training Site Listing

College Accreditation


Training Sites and Networks provide a training environment that is supportive of trainee needs and meets the training curriculum and regulatory requirements is a shared responsibility of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (College), training departments, training networks, clinical supervisors and trainees.

Training sites support comprehensive training by supporting a trainee as they rotate through a variety of environments across a number of hospitals, private practices, regional practices and specialty sites. Network training prepares you with broad skills, multi-system and site knowledge, and exposure to a variety of training environments.

There are three types of accreditation for clinical radiology training sites:

  • Full accreditation describes a training site that is able to support the full five-year training program, via a combination of training site rotations through the Network.
  • Specialty accreditation describes a training site that provides training in a subspecialty area and receives trainees from multiple sites, such as paediatric hospitals.
  • Linked Accreditation describes a site where specific training is undertaken for designated periods of time in association with a full site.
Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Radiologists


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